Discovery of plants

Specialist on edible plants, Christophe Anglade has been traveling the world for more than 20 years in contact with peoples who have remained close to nature. Alongside them, he has been enriched by the ancestral knowledge that these men and women maintain with nature and especially their knowledge of wild edible and medicinal plants. In addition to the journeys he provides in Auvergne, he now organizes stays in the Vercors with a botanist-herbalist or a little further, as in Ecuador or Crete to meet these source people, their mythology and their local traditions ...
  • séjour découverte des Plantes sauvages  avec Aluna Voyages
  • séjour découverte des Plantes sauvages  avec Aluna Voyages
  • séjour découverte des Plantes sauvages  avec Aluna Voyages